BGMEA says 299 out of 4m have COVID-19. Bangladesh laborers question information

Apparel assembly line laborers have excused proprietors' hall BGMEA's figure that solitary 299 among around 4 million specialists of the business have contracted coronavirus while in excess of 70,000 individuals have tried positive for COVID-19 out of a quarter of a year in Bangladesh. 

Laborers' pioneers state the business proprietors are just concealing data to dodge liabilities. 

Specialists to a great extent accuse the attire area business people's choice to revive production lines in the midst of a shutdown for the ascent in contamination rate in Bangladesh. 

A large number of laborers had begun strolling or taking rides on packed pickup and little traveler transporters to Dhaka from places as much as 100 kilometers away to spare their employments when a few manufacturing plants chose to revive in the second seven day stretch of the lockdown toward the beginning of April. The laborers returned as the proprietors altered their perspectives following far-reaching analysis. 

The administration permitted the processing plants to revive soon thereafter on conditions that they guarantee transport and lodging alongside wellbeing security of the laborers, however, no such measures have been noticeable. 

Coronavirus contamination started raising in the midst of the turmoil. 

On Tuesday, when Bangladesh announced 3,171 new coronavirus contaminations and 45 passings, both single-day records, BGMEA representative Khan Monirul Alam Shuvo told 299 laborers have been tainted with the infection. 

The temperature of a laborer is being taken before they enter a clothing manufacturing plant in Dhaka. Photograph: Asif Mahmud OveLast Thursday, BGMEA President Rubana Huq said 264 laborers tried positive for the novel infection until Jun 3. She said the number was "consoling" taking into account that a major lump of the populace was occupied with the business. 

Rubana likewise utilized the information to ensure the individuals who dreaded a sharp spike in the flare-up because of the reviving of the plants. 

Gotten some information about the validity of the caseload, she asserted they "carefully gathered" the information from common specialists everything being equal. 

The vast majority of the more than 2,200 industrial facilities recorded on BGMEA are arranged in Dhaka, Gazipur, Narayanganj, and Chattogram. They have almost 2.4 million specialists. 

The quantity of affirmed coronavirus cases among articles of clothing assembly line laborers at Sadar Upazila in Narayanganj is 150, as indicated by Upazila Health Officer Jahidul Islam. The locale has attire processing plants in four different Upazilas also. reporters in Gazipur, Savar, and Narayanganj said the mechanical police units, other than the common specialists, had at first been giving data on coronavirus cases among the dress assembly line laborers. 

The police have quit giving the data. A few officials said they were feeling the squeeze from various quarters. 


Laborer pioneers have claimed that the proprietors are concealing the disease information to give the feeling that everything is typical in the business. 

The proprietors are "feigning the country", said Joly Talukder, leader of Garment Workers' Trade Union Center. 

The genuine figure of tainted attire assembly line laborers is as high as a few thousand, she guaranteed. 

Numerous laborers tried positive however their names didn't show up on the BGMEA list while numerous others couldn't get tried, Joly said. 

Taslima Akter, a pioneer of Sramik Sanghati, additionally said an absence of tests was the explanation for the low pace of coronavirus recognition among the laborers. 

BGMEA has set up certain stands yet just a couple of laborers can give tests, she said. 

Laborers wearing face covers sew a piece of clothing at a manufacturing plant in Dhaka's Mirpur in the midst of the coronavirus flare-up. Photograph: Asif Mahmud OveWorkers wearing face veils sew a piece of clothing at an industrial facility in Dhaka's Mirpur in the midst of the coronavirus flare-up. Photograph: Asif Mahmud Ove"We have reported that laborers are falling wiped out in various regions. They take paracetamol and come back to work when the side effects leave," Taslima said. 


BGMEA reported on a major virtual occasion last Thursday that it has set up a coronavirus testing lab in Gazipur's Chandra and that 400 tests will be led there from Saturday. 

Be that as it may, it didn't start testing even on Tuesday. 

Md Rafiqul Islam, a previous armed force official as of now working at the BGMEA, said they made a rundown of 46 specialists for the principal tests. 

BGMEA composed preparing for two technologists for a testing lab in Savar in May, yet no further improvement has been accounted for. 

The affiliation had uncovered designs to set up a lab in Narayanganj also, yet there is no noticeable advancement.

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