The police have protected six adolescents who lost their way in the wake of wandering out into the Sundarbans.

Sharankhola OC SK Abdullah Al Sayeed said after getting an approach 999 crisis helpline, the police started searching for them and discovered them in the Dhansagar Forest Station territory situated around eastern Sundarbans at day break on Thursday. 

Among the saved were 'Bliss', 16, 'Saimoon', 16, 'Jubair', 17, Mainul Islam, 16, 'Rahim', 17, and 'Imran', 19. 

A media discharge from the Police Headquarters gave the subtleties of how the adolescents disappeared in the wake of losing their way in the forested areas. 

It said around the timberland gatekeepers' office in Dhansagar territory, an extension over a waterway leads into the Sundarbans. 

The young men discreetly crossed the extension without the foresters paying heed and strolled into the timberland in the first part of the day. They were profoundly submerged in their discussions and didn't understand it was evening as of now. As they raced to get back, they found that they had lost their way back. One of them at that point called the crisis helpline and the police started their hunt. 

Satisfaction later said that in spite of the fact that the Sundarbans was directly close to their home, they had never wandered in. On Wednesday morning, them six needed to go for a stroll inside the woodland however didn't tell their folks about it. 

"We had no clue about when we lost our direction. We were encircled by trees and couldn't discover our way back. The day folded into night, yet we despite everything couldn't discover our direction. I had a cell phone with me yet it had lacking parity," he said. 

"At night I out of nowhere recalled that calling 999 required no parity. Quickly I dialed the number and requested assistance." 

"The night became darker. The Sundarbans is home to numerous wild creatures including tigers. To spare ourselves from the assault of such animals, we ascended trees. 

"We spent the entire night conscious. In the wake of hearing the sound of declarations out yonder at sunrise, we got down from the trees and strolled towards it." 

OC Abdullah said finding somebody in such a major timberland was no simple assignment. 

"Then again, the youngsters couldn't tell precisely where they got lost. More regrettable, both the cell phones they had come up short on charge. It was the main way the police could speak with them. 

"The police exhorted the young men to move up trees as opposed to strolling around as the Chandpai go around the territory is meandering grounds of tigers." 

"It started to rain not long after the pursuit started and the police alongside local people started looking for them. We utilized mikes to advise the young men to come nearer. Fortunately, they heard it and came to us." 

They were given over to their folks toward the evening.