Indian police have discharged a pigeon having a place with a Pakistani angler after a test found that the winged creature, which had flown over the petulant outskirt between the atomic furnished countries, was not a government operative, two authorities said on Friday.

"The pigeon was without set yesterday (May 28) subsequent to nothing dubious was found," said Shailendra Mishra, a senior police official in Indian-managed Kashmir. It was hazy where the winged creature was discharged and whether it flew back to its proprietor. 

The Pakistani proprietor of the pigeon had asked India to restore his feathered creature, which Indian townspeople went over to police subsequent to finding it. 

"It's only a guiltless flying creature," Habibullah, the proprietor of the fledgling, who passes by only one name, told Reuters on Friday. 

He dismissed claims that the numbers recorded on a ring on the pigeon's leg were codes implied for activist gatherings working in the contested locale of Kashmir. 

Habibullah, who lives in a town close to the Kashmir outskirt, one of the most hostile regions on the planet, said the feathered creature had taken an interest in a pigeon dashing challenge and the digits on the winged animal's leg were his cell phone number. 

The game is particularly mainstream in the outskirt towns, said Yasir Khalid of the Shakar Garh Pigeon Club, including such races are held in India as well, and it isn't strange to lose a winged animal on either side. Proprietors recognize their feathered creatures with stamps on the wings, paint and rings on the feet. 

"We needed to bring the flying creature into our care to test on the off chance that it was being utilizing for seeing," a senior Indian fringe security official said mentioning secrecy, while clarifying this was a piece of the drill given outskirt sensitivities. 

In 2016, a pigeon was taken into Indian guardianship after it was found with a note compromising Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.