However, traveler passages will stay unaltered, Golam Sadek, the executive of Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority or BIWTA, said after a gathering with the dispatch proprietors on Friday. 

The administration has chosen to lift the restriction on open travel framework, permitting administrators to convey a predetermined number of travelers from May 31, the day workplaces will revive on a constrained scale. 

Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury, the state serve for delivery, had said already in a video message that the specialists were anticipating resume dispatch administrations lessening the quantity of travelers by practically half. 

"We have talked about how we can continue administrations keeping up the wellbeing security rules. No choice has been made on traveler admission," Sadek said. 

"Subsequent to continuing the administrations will sit with the proprietors again if the wellbeing security allots set by the administration lead to a diminished number of travelers. Be that as it may, we need to think about the troubles of travelers also." 

"Just 33% of our profit will be made sure about on the off chance that we transport travelers observing the social separating rules. It won't spread our fuel costs. We can't proceed with administrations on the off chance that we face such misfortunes consistently," Mahbub Uddin Ahmed, the executive of Owners' Association, said in the wake of going to the gathering. 

The affiliation has asked the BIWTA executive and specialists to consider expanding the toll if the quantity of travelers drops because of the mandates intended to check the coronavirus spread, Ahmed said. 

"The proprietors will continue administrations from Sunday. They are not permitted to expand toll and have been advised to convey travelers in accordance with cleanliness rules," BIWTA representative Mobarak Hossain Majumder told 

"The choice to expand admission will be considered subsequent to viewing the circumstance in the initial 10 days in the wake of reviving," he included.